Thursday, August 8, 2013

“Worst first!”

The research is conclusive; setting small daily goals gets things done!

At the end of each day, write a list of three tasks that must be accomplished the following day. Post the list on your bathroom mirror and forget about it. 

The next morning, tackle those three items. The rule is: “Worst First!” Meaning, get the important, necessary and tough stuff started or finished before you do anything else. 

Maybe you’re procrastinating about asking the friend of a friend for an introduction or contact? Put it on your “Worst First!” list. 

Maybe you really need to exercise or meditate in the morning. Put it on your “Worst First!” list. 

Maybe you’re putting off reading a journal article that will help you become more knowledgeable. Put it on your “Worst First!” list. 

Everyday, commit to your “Worst First!” list. Do nothing until you start each task: Do not check email. Do not go on the Internet. When you finish your “Worst First!” list, anything else you do during the course of an average day is a huge bonus. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thinking about hiring a career consultant?

If you're curious about my Career Consulting Programs. You can visit my website at
Here's a summary of how I differentiate myself from other coaches and consultants:
                  My “Career Decisions and Directions” program is rooted in a method known as Appreciative Inquiry: a questioning and decision making process that explores 4 areas:  DISCOVER, DREAM, DESIGN, and DELIVER.

                  With both college students and second career clients in mind, my method is  thoughtful, thorough and comprehensive. It is ideal for individuals who value making  career and employment decisions methodical manner.

What happens next?

                  1. I send clients my online questionnaire and an assortment of assessments that identify    values, interests, personality and strengths.
                  2. We schedule three two-hour personal or Skype sessions: (usually a week or two apart)
                  Session I - DISCOVERY is dedicated to discovering and validating of their talent, strengths, knowledge, skills and abilities. The questions reveal strengths and identify possibilities.
                  Session II – DREAM and DESIGN covers exploring career possibilities based on who they are, what they’re good at and what is personally meaningful. In this stage I ask, “What’s possible”? “What’s the best way to design this path”?
                  Session III - DELIVER focuses on practical questions and answers such as: Where are my employment possibilities? What’s my best resume design? How do I network effectively? What’s a genuine professional pitch? Ho do I                                                        distinguish myself from others? What value to I bring to the job market?
                  3. When all our sessions are completed and decisions are made or options defined, I encourage clients to continue reaching out to me for ongoing advice and support.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Confessions of a Hiring Manager

In the course of my 30 year career in human resources and career consulting, I have had the privilege of interviewing thousands of applicants from Fortune 100 companies to Mom & Pop small businesses. 

So I'm sharing some of my inner thoughts while interviewing candidates. It is my hope that this list will give you insight into the minds of hiring managers. This is the kind of insider information I share with my clients. It gives them a great foundation and a competitive edge.

Is there an immediate connection?

Are you friendly? Affable? Approachable? Are your instantly likeable?
Are you comfortable and confident?
Do you belong on this team? Do your skills and strengths complement the team’s?
Do you have a professional demeanor?
Are you smart enough for this job?
Will you work your butt off and do whatever it takes?
Do you have energy and enthusiasm?           
Do you have the critical skill sets or can you learn them quickly?
Are you going to face problems, adversities and difficulties?
Do you have the grit and determination to get though tough situations and difficult people?
Are you high or low maintenance?
Are you positive and reasonable or a whiner and complainer?
Are you a realistic optimist or are you cynical and negative?
Are you a careful and critical thinker?
Do you think before you act? Or Do you act before you think?
Are you a self-starter?
Will you get things done?
Do you have what it takes to meet challenging deadlines?
Do you get right to it or wait until you’re told?
Will you win others over?
Are you easy for the others on my team to like?
Are you humble or full of yourself?
Do you take yourself too seriously?
Have you learned from your mistakes?
Will you add value to my team?
Will hiring you make me look good?
Will you make my job easier and add synergy to my team?